Aesthetic. Ethical. Teaching of Literature. Subjective reading. Chronotop of the classroom
The research-intervention project, resulting from reflections of the academic experience, in the Professional Master’s Degree at UFRN, and from our experience with the teaching of Literature in the classroom, problematizes the subject of aesthetics and ethics, under the Bakhtinian theoretical framework. It started from some research questions: i) How to provide space and time in the classroom for a language teaching that privileges the students' enjoyment and aesthetic sense, in a discursive perspective, with the support of reading poems? ii) How can the systematization of the study of aesthetics and ethics contribute, from the work with discursive genres of the artistic-literary sphere, as the poem, to amplify the students' aesthetic perception? In what way can one collaborate as a teacher-researcher for the systematization with the elaboration of didactic material that seeks the expansion of the space of the and to the ethical and the aesthetic in the chronotop classroom? The research had as general objective: To investigate, in the discursive perspective of the Circle of Bakhtin, as the aesthetic and the ethical from the literary reading, can contribute to enlarge the aesthetic perception, from the study of the genre poem, in the high school classroom timeline. As specific objectives: i) Problematize how the teaching of Portuguese language, based on discursive genres, can provide space and time in the sphere of school activity in order to privilege the enjoyment and aesthetic sense, with support of the genre discursive poem; ii) Contribute to the systematization of studies about the discursive genre poem, from the theoretical-methodological perspective of the Circle of Bakhtin, the reading subject and the subjective reading; iii) Elaborate didactic prototype that privileges the artistic-literary sphere, with the support of the discursive genre poem, under a discursive approach, in a perspective that seeks the enlargement of the and to the ethical and the aesthetic in the chronotop classroom. Theoretically, we rely on the contributions of Bakhtin (2010, 2011, 2015, 2017), regarding the concepts of language, aesthetic and ethical act, discursive and chronotop genres; as well as some scholars from Bakhtin, such as Brait (2016), Bemong (2015), Renfrew (2017), Faraco (2009) and Casado-Alves (2012, 2018, 2020). As a contribution, it was also anchored in Rojo (2012, 2015), on the concept of prototype as "hollow structure". In addition to the contributions of Annie Rouxel (2012, 2013), about the reader, Rosiane Xypas (2017, 2018), about subjective reading; Candido (1995, 2012, 2016), to discuss literature and the formation of the reader of literary texts, and Dias (2015, 2016)about literature in school and in the classroom. In addition to some official documents, such as LDB (1996), PCN (2000) and BNCC (2017), with special attention to the teaching of literature. Theoretically and methodologically, this research is based on works of a qualitative-interpretative nature under the historical-cultural approach of Freitas (2009). The research corpus was based on the material produced during the completion of the prototype stages (observation, field notes, questionnaires, interviews, workshop activities), in process construction. As for intervention research, we have proposed two methodological strategies, that is, to work with prototypes, which consist of flexible and hollow structure SDs, as proposed by Rojo (2012), and to apply the five macro-steps.