Teaching argumentation through problem situations
Teaching of argumentation. Problem situations. Literacy. Reading, writing and speaking.
The teaching of argumentation through problem situation is the object of this intervention project. In order for this reframing to obtain the outlines of a situated proposal, we started from a survey that added three components: (i) the profile of reader and writer of students from an 8th grade class of Middle School from Desembargador Silvino Bezerra Neto Municipal School, a public school in the interior of the state from Rio Grande do Norte; the collections to which these students say to have access; their understanding of the role of argumentation in the face of the need to intervene in everyday problem situations. After this stage was over, we focused on the exposition of this students in the face of conflict situations, aiming at developing of a reflective-practical posture in which they verified the potential of the argumentation to mediate them, instead of verbal and/or physical violence. In view of this, in this project, in general, we aim to assess the didactic potential of to work with problem situations for to teach argumentation. Furthermore, in a specific way, we have as objectives: (a) to map argumentative strategies of more recurrent use among our students; (b) to analyze the construction of the argumentative chain in the face of the exposition of experiential conflicts situations. Our theoretical contributions are the Dialogical Conception of Language, Literacy Studies in an Ethnographic Aspect and Studies of Argumentation from an Interactional Perspective. Methodologically, this project presents a qualitative approach with an interpretive and collaborative bias and an ethnographic aspect. We used as research tools for data generation: the profile of reader and writer, a quiz about argumentation and the game Polemic Questions of Brazil. These three instruments enabled the generation of data for analysis, which prove, that these students from middle school, contributors to our research, read and write – evidently perceived in the collection of reading to which they have access and in social use of writing registered in the profile of reader and writer – and argue – found in some argumentative strategies used through problem situations of the Game PQ Brazil and of the Quiz.