Literacy Project. Orality/Writing. Local Knowledge. Writing. Critical Pedagogy.
The severe neglect towards local culture displayed in the town of Madalena, Ceará, endangers one of its most relevant traditional expressions, crucial to the cultural identity of the town, the “Boi-Surubim”. Due to this issue and to the need of making the teaching-learning process a more contextualized and effective practice, closer to the students’ realities, this research, of practical and academic value, was developed. Its object of study is the cultural practice of “Boi-Surubim”, observed through the required interconnection between school and community. The study had as its general goal to investigate the impact of a literacy project aimed at saving and preserving the oral tradition of “Boi-Surubim” in a situated context. Associated to this main objective, four specific goals were set: 1) to develop a literacy project with 9th grade public school students which combined the reading and writing of assignments to the preservation of “Boi-Surubim’s” oral tradition; 2) to articulate the knowledge that originates from local and school cultures through a literacy project; 3) to contribute to the development of the 9th grade students’ critical awareness regarding the importance of local culture; 4) to ponder over the role of literacy projects as a teaching device for the (re)consideration of teachers’ identity. This research was conducted at the Escola de Ensino Fundamental Paula Queiroz (Paula Queiroz Elementary School), having as its main collaborators the 9th grade students. This research is theoretically based on literacy studies (STREET, 1983; KLEIMAN, 1995, 2000; OLIVEIRA, KLEIMAN, 2008), on discussions regarding the relation of orality/writing (MARCUSCHI, DIONÍSIO, 2007), on deliberations regarding memory and culture (BOAS, 2010; LE GOFF, 1990), on studies referring to Literacy projects (KLEIMAN, 2000; OLIVEIRA, TINOCO, SANTOS, 2014; OLIVEIRA, 2016) and on the contributions of critical pedagogy (FREIRE, 2018). Methodologically, it is a qualitative research of ethnographic method (MOITA LOPES, 1994; BOGDAN, BIKLEN, 1991). The data analysis was generated by instruments such as: observation and recording of interactive behaviors and of information search procedures in the classroom, field notes, recording of communicative interactions through digital media, interviews, statements, photographic records and text produced during literacy workshops. These allowed us to evidence that the literacy project presented itself to be a fruitful didactic device, capable of transforming local reality, of giving new meaning to our teaching practices and of promoting student protagonism.