An proposal of reading circle from the works A Marca de uma Lágrima and Mariana by Pedro Bandeira.
Literary literacy; Reading circle; Literary for children and teenagers.
The need for giving new meaning and turning Portuguese classes more interactive, through reading and reflection moments, has been a reason for discussions around Educational institutions. Contributing to this objective, this paper presents a new purpose of the pedagogical intervention of literary literacy, using the reading circle strategy developed by Cosson (2017). Commencing from "A marca de umalágrima" and "Mariana" written by Pedro Bandeira, a writer specialized in literature for children and teenagers, we suggested the application of the expanded sequence, accordingly with the literary literacy fundaments of Cosson (2009). Our goal is to accomplish reading practices with a high school 9th-grade group from "Capitão José da Penha" Estadual School located in João Câmara, using the reading circle method with Pedro Bandeira's oeuvres for the development of critic readers capable to reflect and comprehend those books context and beyond. Throughout the proposed activities, we instigated the literary reading habit, interacted with the books and colleagues among shared reading, inserting it during Portuguese classes creating reflexive reading moments. This sequence was expanded by writing on diaries about their reading and a "Sarau" presentation at the school. We verified the need for providing the student an efficient approach to literary books since it is relevant to the reading skill formation of those students and their development as citizens. As bibliographic research, we used the oeuvres of Cademartori (2009), Colomer (2007), Cosson (2009, 2017), Todorov (2009), Zilberman (2010), among other authors. We believe in the practicing of literary literacy achieved, it brought contributions to the practice of literary texts in the Portuguese classes which stimulated students to seek more readings, their critical understanding, improving their cognitive and creative potential, and building their autonomy as readers and writers.