A proposal of circle reading from the works The mark of a tear and Mariana de Pedro Bandeira.
Literary literacy; Reading circle; Children's Literature.
The need to resignify the Portuguese Language classes making them more interactive, with moments of reading, reflection, has been a subject of debate in educational institutions. To contribute to this re-signification, this work presents a proposal of pedagogical intervention of literary literacy using the methodology of the reading circle, developed by Cosson (2017). From the works The mark of a tear and Mariana of the author of infantojuvenil Pedro Bandeira, we propose the application of the basic sequence, according to the foundations of the literary literary of Cosson (2009). Our objective is to broaden the literary repertoire of a 9th grade class at the Fundacao Elementary School of the Capitão José da Penha State School, in João Câmara, through the reading circle with the works of Pedro Bandeira for the formation of critical readers capable of reflecting and understand the context of the work and the other contexts. With the proposed activities we intend to stimulate the literary reading habit, to interact with the books and the colleagues through the shared reading, to insert moments of reflexive reading in the Portuguese Language classes. This sequence will be expanded through the writing of the reading diaries and the presentation in the literary Sarau at the school. We verified the necessity to provide the student with a more effective contact with the literary texts, since literature is relevant for the reading formation of these students and for the formation of citizens. As a result, we hope to re-classify Portuguese language classes and make these students literary students. We used as a bibliographical research the works of Cademartori (2009), Colomer (2007), Cosson (2009, 2017), Todorov (2009), Zilberman (2010) among other authors.