METAMORPHOSES: improving reading and texto production through classical mythology
Articulate teaching. PCNs. Metamorphoses. Language practices.
The interpretative and interventional research revealed in this dissertation is a teaching-learning proposal of the Portuguese Language for the ninth year of elementary school, based on the articulation of the three language practices (text reading practice, text production practice and linguistic analysis practice). This proposal emerged after observing and reflecting on traditional Portuguese language teaching practices in the daily life of some schools and encountering familiar reading and writing difficulties of the students. Therefore, three questions arose from this scenario of education: 1) How to make language teaching and learning less fragmented? 2) How to turn students into readers and producers of proficient texts? 3) Can classical myths be used as literary and linguistic references to instigate students to read and produce text? Thus, with the intention of cooperating for changes in this scenario, our general objective is to improve the reading and the production of texts, fomenting the student's linguistic, encyclopedic and interactive knowledge from classic Ovid myths. We aim to achieve this goal by integrating eight myths of Ovid's Metamorphoses, the opinion article and the punctuation, into practices in the classroom. In this research, we have as subjects the ninth grade students, from class A, of the Escola Municipal Jornalista Rubens Manoel Lemos; the conception of adopted language is interactionist; the methodology for the execution of language practices is the Didactic sequence procedure, suggested by the researchers Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2004). Theoretically, this work is based on Joseph Campbell (1990), Antonio Candido (1995), Geraldi (2012), Ingedore Koch (2006), Rodrigues (2008), Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (2001) and other theorists of different language practices.