Metamorphoses: improving reading and text production through classical literature
Keywords: Articulate teaching. PCNs. Metamorphoses. Language practices.
"Metamorphoses: improving reading and text production through classical literature" is a dissertation of professional máster degree in Languages that consists of a proposal of teaching for the ninth grade of the Elementary School, articulating the three practices of language (practice of reading, text production and linguistic analysis) from eight myths from the work o Metamorphoses by Ovid. This proposal emerged after observing and reflecting on traditional Portuguese language teaching practices in the daily life of some classrooms and the matter of reading and writing as the axis of discussion, regarding school failure; So we will try, through a proposal of integrated teaching among reading, grammar and text production, to enhance the teaching and learning of Portuguese Language. We also understand that mastering reading and writing is fundamental so that students can progress in the various social practices they practice, according to the National Education Guidelines and Bases Law (1996) and the National Curricular Parameters (2001). This research, interpretative and interventional, has as subjects the ninth grade students, from class A, from Escola Municipal Jornalista Rubens Manoel Lemos and its main objective is to contribute to the formation of proficient readers and writers from the contact with classical mythology. In it, the methodology used for articulated teaching-learning is the "Didactic sequence" procedure, suggested by the researchers Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2004). This research and intervention is also theoretically based by the National Curriculum Parameters (2001), Bakhtin (2003), Antonio Candido (1995), Ingedore Koch (2002) and other theorists from different language practices.