Short Stories by students of the oth grade between orality and literacy: discourse traditions, reading and text production
orality, literacy, short story, text production
This study analized, in na intervening way, the presence of communicative parameters in chronicles produced by students of 8th grade of Middle School at State School Paulo Pinheiro de Viveiros, in the continuum of orality and literacy. Through a Couserian approach, it was applied a didact sequence based on Dolz and Schinewly (2004), aiming to approximate the texts to the literacy and inserting the production of the students in a context of real communication situations, involving school, family, community and general readership. The produced chronicles deal with the care that the human being must have with animals. The research intends to situate the texts of the students in the continuum of orality and literacy, following the communicative parameters proposed by Koch and Osterreicher (2007). Through the insights proposed by The Discoursive Tradition according to Koch e Oesterreicher (apud Castilho da Costa and Simões, 2015), Kabatek (2012), Longhin (2014), Castilho da Costa (2015), were analized the Discursive Tradition of the content, the style, the compositional structure, and the intertextual and interdiscursive traditions contained in the chronicles produced by the students, from the communicative parameters proposed. The textual genre “Chronicle” was explored under the insight of Cândido (1992), Arrigucci Jr. ( 1987) e Sá (!987). The analyses of the compositional structure of the studied genre was based on the descriptive and narrative sequence by Adan (2008).