Funk and the dialogical reading of subjects in the Bakhtinian perspective of language
Giscursive genre; funk; Reading; Bakhtin; dialogism; teaching prototype.
In the search of the underlying message of the social subject represented on funk music lyriccs and their use as an analytical instrument whthin the academic environment, we have performed this study whith students of the 9th Grade of Primary Education. The study takes into consideration the theoretical contribution of Mikhail Bakhtin (2011), and discussions that ensued within the Bakhtin Circle. Starting from a class reading of funk music lyrics, the participants extensivey discussed the social subject found in this discursive genre through different teaching prototype activities. Considering that the discursive dialogue is also present in the act of reading, our goal is to understanding the core message embedded within the literomusical funk genre, in na attempt to identify the existing voices, as well as to understand where those voices come from, which values they represent and whether they communicate and relate to the voices os the study participants. Our work is also inspired by the studies conducted by Roxane Rojo (2015) through teaching prototypes recommended by her, and by studies concerning reading in the classroom by Geraldi (1997). As a result, we have established through this study a teaching prototype usin the funk music genre as background. The students have written essays about the discursive genre funk in which they have actively positioned themselves about topics presente in the lyrics analyzed in classroom. This study seeks to contribute to the formative processo of minimally proficient readers, those capable of using language in any communicative format and, ultimately, to transform these readers in critical, responsive, and conscious citizens.