The metalanguage in the poetic tessitura and the encounter of the poet with the reader: a proposal for the reading of poems in the fundamental II
Metalanguage, Poem, Reading, Following Teaching.
This work of intervention aimed to understand and establish reflection about metalanguage and the confluences of ideas and meanings established between the reader and poet during the reading of the poem. For that, the theoretical-methodological contributions of Bernard Schneuwly, Michele Noverraz and Joaquim Dolz (2004), in the humanizing view of Todorov´s literature (2009), in the dialogic understanding of language presented by Bakhtin (2003), in the reception theory developed by Hans Robert Jauss (1994), and as in the apprehension of the reading concept established by Elias and Kock (2013). It was promoted through a didactic sequence that worked the reading and the comprehension of metapoems of Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Cecilia Meireles, Olavo Bilac, Fernando Pessoa, Joao Cabral de Melo Neto, Manoel de Barros, Mario Quintana and Joao Andrade. The project culminated with a proposal for teachers and reading promoters and had as data for the analysis the production of a bookclip prepared by the students. At the end of the process it was possible to arrive at the understanding of metalanguage as an artistic resource capable of unrevaling the poetic work, through a poetically constructed symbiosis based on the poet´s reflection on his work, an aspect that should be considered as facilitating access to literary language for readers in formation in Elementary School Two.