Panaeolus sensu lato (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) potentially psilocybinic found in urban gardens in Rio Grande do Norte, with an identification key to species in Brazil
Agaricomycetes, neurotropic Fungi, hallucinogenic mushrooms.
Panaeolus (including Copelandia and Panaeolina) is a globally distributed genus, commonly found in ruderal environments, meadows and pastures. Some species are known for their clinically relevant effects, since they produce psilocybin in high concentrations. During studies on the taxonomy of the genus in Brazil, we collected two species reported in the literature as psilocybinic, P. cinctulus and P. cyanescens, occurring in urban gardens, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Panaeolus cinctulus [syn. P. subbalteatus] is identified as a new record for the Northeast region, in tropical zone. The description of the species accompanies discussions on morphology, synonymy, as well as photographs and illustrations. Finally, a taxonomic key to the species of Panaeolus sensu lato of Brazil is also provided.