Evolutionary biogeography and niche evolution in Rhipsalideae DC. (Cactaceae Juss.)
Bioregionalization, phylogenetic reconstruction, time of divergence.
Recent phylogenetic studies reveal the monophily of Cactaceae and tribe Rhipsalideae. Rhipsalideae includes most of the epiphytic cacti, distributed preferably in South America. Currently, it comprises 57 species distributed in four genera, with relevant floristic importance in eastern Brazil, inhabiting mainly the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. However, the generic and subgeneric delimitations of the group and the knowledge of the time of divergence and diversification of the tribe are still incipient. Thus, the objective of this work was to reconstruct the phylogeny of Rhipsalideae to better understand the generic and subgeneric relations of the group, in addition, we also aim to understand the richness and distribution of Cactaceae in order to delimit bioregions for the family in the Neotropical region. For this purpose, molecular and geographic data were collected from online platforms such as Genbank, GBIF, SpeciesLink and Reflora for further phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis. The results show that Rhipsalideae is monophyletic strongly supported in Bayesian inference analysis, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. Here we expand the knowledge about the subgeneric relations of the genus Rhipsalis. Regarding the bioregionalization of Cactaceae we have delimited 25 bioregions for the group and reconstructed in our analyses the three main centers of diversity for the family: Mexico, Andean region and Eastern Brazil. Our results reveal changes on Rhipsalis subgeneric circumscription and bring novelties about Rhipsalideae origin, besides it proposes new family bioregions. In this way, our results can serve as a basis for future studies, both phylogenetic and to understand the evolutionary history, conservation and distribution patterns and richness of the family and the Rhipsalideae tribe in the Neotropical region and the humid forests of South America.