Evaluation of the Follow-up Treatment of Gestational Syphilis in the Light of Betty Neuman's Systems Theory.
Health Evaluation; Syphilis; Primary Health Care; Women's Health; Nursing.
Introduction: Syphilis is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. In Brazil, it constitutes an important public health problem, given the increasing numbers reached by the disease over the years. The symptoms are varied, depending on the stage of the infection, and can affect various organs and systems of the human body and, when left untreated, progress to more serious stages. Its transmission can occur through sexual or maternal-fetal routes, when the woman passes it to the fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, there are several consequences for the newborn. Therefore, the treatment needs to be carried out correctly, with trained professionals and with a structure that allows it to be started as early as possible within the gestational period. Objectives: To evaluate the follow-up of the treatment of Gestational Syphilis in the Municipality of Natal. Methodology: This will be an evaluative study of a normative nature, with an emphasis on the dimensions of structure and process with a quantitative approach and an evaluative research with the aim of identifying the perceptions of professionals regarding the treatment of gestational syphilis through theory of systems by Betty Neuman, which will have a qualitative approach. For data collection, a questionnaire will be prepared subsidized by the Clinical Protocol and therapeutic guidelines for comprehensive care for people with sexually transmitted infections (2022), which will provide elements for the construction of criteria and items to evaluate the degree of implementation of the follow- up treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. gestational syphilis. The data will be organized and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22.0 IBM, using descriptive statistics in absolute and relative numbers and Iramuteq software for qualitative data analysis. Expected Results: Through the analysis of the normative assessment and the perception of professionals regarding the treatment of syphilis, it is expected that this study will assist professionals in decision-making, as well as assist managers in implementing improvements in public policies aimed at women's and newborn health.