The mission of the graduate studies in nursing in Brazil, since the creation of the first master's degree programs (1972) and doctoral degree (1981), is to contribute to the education/training of critical, ethical and reflective masters and doctors, capable of building new knowledge for the benefit of society.
Thus, within this context, it is the responsibility of UFRN’s Graduate Program in Nursing to promote the integral development of the human being, his/her professional training, his/her individual and collective growth, within the values of ethics, solidarity and citizenship, as well as the generation of educational, technological and scientific knowledge, assessing its impact, seeking to consolidate itself through actions of excellence in research, with applicability in teaching and outreach, actively participating in the process of local and regional development and in the transformations of Brazilian society.
Field of Focus - Nursing in Health Care - is based on the understanding of the imperative of reordering the practices circumscribed to the new paradigm of social production of health and the intersectoriality and interdisciplinarity of actions, as well as the recognition of the various theoretical matrices of analysis and available research strategies. It prioritizes the development of nursing as a science, in the process of caring, because it is defensible by the researchers involved and committed to expanding the sanitary and environmental awareness of their practices.
The Stricto Sensu Graduate Program is based on the theoretical and philosophical frameworks that define the Program, supporting it in the care of the human being, health, nursing in health care and graduate teaching.
Care for the human being: A value, an indispensable social good to promote the vitality of living, the having and maintaining life and better dying; it is the product of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of the order of human interaction, of the nature of life, and of the dynamics of vital functions under the domain of nursing science and art.
Health: The concept of health that underlies the Program is organized based on the proposed ideals of the Federal Constitution and guaranteed by the Unified Health System (SUS), which direct the thinking about health from the determinants of the human condition that involves not only pathological processes, but all social, economic, food, environmental, work-related, leisure, accessibility and housing situations related to the life of the human being. In this perspective, health happens from multiple conditions of production, meaning and orientations of reality to which the human being responds according to his/her context, demanding broader actions of attention by the health sector, in addition to the promotion and prevention of diseases.
Nursing in health care: From the view of nursing as science and art, as a social construction, as it strengthens scientific development for the improvement of the health situation of the human being, ie, according to the concept of health care in the caring processes that involve this being.
Nursing in health care focuses on skills and mastery of knowledge and practices that result in integrated actions in line with public health policies agreed upon and translated by the commitment and responsibility in defense of SUS. This concept guides the formation and work of nursing in the lines of research of health surveillance, of mental and collective health and of the technological development, seeking a nursing committed to the different levels in basic care, in medium and high complexity, and their technical models.
Graduate teaching: It understands the graduate student in Nursing as a critical-reflective human being, committed to the changes and transformations of the social, political and sanitary reality of the country. And, thus, as a protagonist potentially capable of giving answers to the problems arising from their work in the context of the health care model, through science and technology. From this articulation, it is established the concept of teaching/learning in the graduate studies as a cognitive, subjective, objective, interactive and dialogical process between teacher/student, in the construction and production of knowledge.
Master's Degree in Nursing in Health Care - has a minimum structure composed of Mandatory courses (10 credits) and Electives (14 credits), including academic activities of production and/or scientific publication, involving a total of 24 (twenty-four) credits, with a duration of 24 months, distributed in 4 (four) academic semesters.
Doctoral Degree Program in Nursing in Health Care - has a minimum structure composed of Mandatory courses (16 credits) and Electives (20 credits), including academic activities of scientific production and/or publication, involving a total of 36 (thirty-six) credits, with a duration of up to 48 months, distributed in 8 (eight) semesters.
Group of professors of the PPGE/CCS Program – GRADUATE STUDIES IN NURSING |
1299781 - ALEXSANDRA RODRIGUES FEIJÃO (professor's portal) |
Associate |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Nursing in health surveillance
1552864 - ALLYNE FORTES VITOR (professor's portal) |
Associate |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Technological development in health and nursing
1675334 - ANA LUISA BRANDÃO DE CARVALHO LIRA (professor's portal) |
Associate |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Technological development in health and nursing
4665456 - DANIELE VIEIRA DANTAS (professor's portal) |
Assistant |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of Research: Technological development in health and nursing
1995800 - ERIKA SIMONE GALVÃO PINTO (professor's portal) |
Associate |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Nursing in health surveillance
396864 - FRANCISCO ARNOLDO NUNES DE MIRANDA (professor's portal) |
Holder |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of Research: Nursing in health surveillance
1999246 - ISABELLE CAMPOS DE AZEVEDO (professor's portal) |
Assistant A |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Technological development in health and nursing |
2882013 - ISABELLE KATHERINNE FERNANDES COSTA (professor's portal) |
Associate |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Technological development in health and nursing
2696718 - JONAS SAMI ALBUQUERQUE DE OLIVEIRA (professor's portal) |
Assistant |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: |
2344942 - JOVANKA BITTENCOURT LEITE DE CARVALHO (professor's portal) |
DV |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Nursing in health surveillance
Assistant A |
Collaborator |
No |
No |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Technological development in health and nursing
3168491 - NILBA LIMA DE SOUZA (professor's portal) |
Associate |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Nursing in health surveillance
1506238 - QUÊNIA CAMILLE SOARES MARTINS (professor's portal) |
Assistant |
Permanent |
Yes |
No |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Technological development in health and nursing
347635 - REJANE MARIA PAIVA DE MENEZES (professor's portal) |
Associate |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Technological development in health and nursing
Assistant A |
Collaborator |
No |
No |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Technological development in health and nursing
2379141 - RICHARDSON AUGUSTO ROSENDO DA SILVA (professor's portal) |
Associate |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Nursing in health surveillance
3578073 - RODRIGO ASSIS NEVES DANTAS (professor's portal) |
Assistant |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Technological development in health and nursing
1214075 - SORAYA MARIA DE MEDEIROS (professor's portal) |
Associate |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Nursing in health surveillance
1220598 - VIVIANE EUZÉBIA PEREIRA SANTOS (professor's portal) |
Associate |
Permanent |
Yes |
Yes |
Main field of focus: Nursing in health care Lines of research: Technological development in health and nursing
Main field of focus: Lines of research: |
Instagram: @pgenf | Facebook: PGENF | Twitter: @pgenf | WhatsApp: +55 84 99193-6162
Telephone number: (84) 3215-3196
Telephone number 2: (84) 99193-6162
Telephone number: Not available at this moment
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment
E-mail: Not available at this moment