Keywords: Homes for the Aged. Social Vulnerability. Quality of Life
Introduction: The aging process is not homogeneous, quality of life means aging
in an active and independent way, preserving the body's mental and functional
capacity, which depend on factors: personal, social and environmental.
Objective: to analyze the prevalence and factors associated with depressive
symptoms, social vulnerability, quality of life of institutionalized elderly in the
region of Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte. Method: This is an analytical, cross-
sectional study with a quantitative approach. Data will be collected in 09 (nine)
Long Stay Institutions for the Elderly (ILPI) in the Seridó region, State of Rio
Grande do Norte, with a population of approximately 315 elderly people. This
work belongs to the research project entitled “Aging, Health and Quality of Life
Brazil, Portugal and Spain”, submitted to public notice No. 01/2020 -
RESEARCH NETWORKS, by PROPESQ/UFRN. It should be noted that the
project was submitted to Plataforma Brasil and the Research Ethics Committee
of UFRN, obtaining approval (CAAE: 36278120.0.1001.5292). Eligible seniors
will be invited to participate in the interviews. The subjects will sign the Free and
Informed Consent Term (TCLE). For data collection, the instruments used will
be: Mini Mental State Examination (MEE), sociodemographic and clinical data
form, Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Social Vulnerability Scale (VES-13)
and Medical Outcomes Study 36 (SF -36). The quantitative data collected will
be analyzed descriptively and through parameters validated with the help of
SPSS. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, descriptive statistical
analysis of sociodemographic and clinical data and GDS, VES-13 and SF-46
will be carried out, by calculating the mean, standard deviation and proportions
and inferential analysis through the following statistical procedures: interval 95%
confidence level and Pearson's or Spearman's linear correlation coefficient,
depending on the normality behavior of the variables. In all analyses, p-value
less than 0.05 will be considered statistically significant. We seek to identify the
correlation between depressive symptoms, social vulnerability and quality of life
of institutionalized elderly due to little scientific production on the subject.