PATIENT SAFETY CULTURE IN SURGICAL CENTER: comparative study between public and private service
Patient Safety; Organizational Culture; Surgicenters.
Patient safety has become, in recent decades, one of the priority issues in the health area worldwide, characterizing itself as one of the main goals pursued by the institutions involved in health care. However, even in the face of concern about safety policies to improve the quality of care, the risks and the occurrence of adverse events have increased significantly, especially in the hospital environment. In this scenario, the Surgical Center emerges, due to its complex and interdisciplinary practices, in conditions that are often marked by pressure and stress. Due to these characteristics, surgical centers are considered high-risk scenarios, extremely susceptible to errors. Based on these statements, it is necessary to highlight the Patient Safety Culture as an important structural component of the services, which favors the implementation of safe practices and the reduction of safety incidents. In this perspective, the present study aims to analyze and compare the levels of patient safety culture, through the Survery on Patient Safety Culture, in a public and a private surgical center. This is a study developed in two stages, namely: Stage 1: Systematic Review of the Literature in order to identify strategies for promoting a culture of patient safety in the operating room. For that, we used the recommendation of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses and followed the recommendations for registration in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews and Step 2: Analytical study, cross-sectional, with a quantitative approach, to be carried out in the surgical centers of the Ana Bezerra University Hospital, located in Santa Cruz, and in the Unimed Hospital, located in the city of Natal, both located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The eligibility criteria will be the professionals Nurses, Nursing technicians and doctors (surgeons and anesthesiologists) who work in the surgical centers of the referred hospitals, who accept to participate in the research and sign the Free and Informed Consent Form, being then excluded those professionals who do not agree to participate in any stage of the study and who are absent from data collection. Two instruments will be used for data collection, in which the first is a sociodemographic questionnaire comprising 8 questions, and the second, a questionnaire validated and adapted for Brazil, from the Hospital Survery on Patient Safety Culture of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, containing 42 questions referring to the 12 dimensions of the Patient Safety Culture. The collected data will be organized and processed using Microsoft Office Excel and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 25.0. For descriptive analysis, frequencies, distribution center measurements and their variability will be considered. The Shapiro-Wilk test will be used to verify the normality of the data. Other statistical tests will be used according to the data distribution. The research will follow the ethical precepts in research with human beings described in Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council.