Graphic protocol for the assessment of safe nursing care for hospitalized individuals with mental health problems: validation study
Nursing; Mental Health; Protocols; Patient safety; Validation Study.
Safety in the care of individuals with mental health problems who have been hospitalized for years has been neglected, therefore, when considering their particularities, it is necessary to qualify professionals and services to minimize the risks associated with care. Thus, nursing plays an important role in the development of safer actions, as it has a continuous role during the hospitalization period. Thus, the importance of carrying out periodic assessments in services to identify weaknesses and potential in assistance is also highlighted, in order to promote the adequacy of units through the implementation of measures that increase safety. From this perspective, the present study has as a guiding question: What should be the content and appearance of a protocol for the assessment of safe nursing care for hospitalized individuals with mental health problems? And, the general objective is to develop a graphic protocol validated in its content and appearance to assess safe nursing care for hospitalized individuals with mental health problems. This is a methodological study with a mixed approach, based on Pasquali's psychometrics, organized into three procedures: theoretical, in which two focus groups were held with 13 mental health professionals and a Scoping Review on the safe care of individuals with mental health problems. mental health to define the contents that make up the protocol; empirical procedures for the construction of the graphic protocol and validation of its content and appearance using the Delphi technique, in two rounds, with the collaboration of seven judges/experts in the area in question; and analytical procedures, aimed at analyzing the data where the Content Validation Coefficient was calculated. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, under Certificate of Ethical Appreciation no 48213421.0.0000.5537. The focus groups lasted 45 minutes each, in which the nurses addressed actions they carry out and that need to be developed in order to obtain safe care. With the data from the focus groups and from the Scoping Review, the graphic protocol was constructed, which was submitted to the judges for their validation. In the Delphi I round, a general content validity coefficient ≥0.95 was reached for all elements of the protocol and checklist, while in the appearance validation for the criteria of the Suitability Assessment of Materials, indices greater than 0.90 were obtained. After adjustments proposed by the judges in round II, the content and appearance validity indices were 0.99 each. Thus, the graphic protocol was considered valid in its content and appearance.