Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 29/10/2021
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Google Meet

Analysis of the implementation of nursing actions And practices in primary health care facing covid-19


Covid-19; Primary Health Care; Health Evaluation; Nursing Theory.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Enfermagem

The pandemic of COVID-19 reached considerable numbers of the Brazilian population with the emergence of critical challenges for public and private health care networks. The coping plans against COVID-19 in the context of Primary Health Care (PHC) emerge as an important bridge in the control of the disease, becoming relevant its
monitoring and continuous evaluation in order to be improved and put into practice by nursing and other professionals of the PHC, from an evidence-based practice. In this sense, this study aims to evaluate the structure of PHC and the actions taken by health professionals in the city of Caraúbas/RN in facing the COVID-19 and how the pandemic context has influenced these actions from the adaptation theory of Callista Roy. An evaluative study of the normative type will be carried out with emphasis on the degree of implementation in the dimensions of structure and process, and of the evaluative research type. The normative evaluation will use a quantitative approach and the evaluative research will use a quantitative and qualitative approach. The research
will be developed in the PHC of Caraúbas, a city in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in the west of the state. The study population will be composed of 93 professionals who make up the PHC family health teams directly involved in confronting COVID-19 and health managers. As instruments of data collection for use in the normative study and evaluative research, a semi-structured questionnaire and an interview with open questions were designed, respectively, both based on what is set out in the coping plans adopted as methodological reference and in the light of the adaptation theory of Callista Roy. For data analysis, in the normative evaluation, the assessment of the degree of implementation according to Ferreira and Silva (2014) will be adopted, and quantitative data treatment through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0 IBM program. With regard to evaluative research, value judgment will be used to analyze the existing relationships between the intervention and the context. The qualitative data obtained will be analyzed using the content analysis technique proposed by Laurence Bardin (2011). This study will follow the ethical and legal requirements for research involving human beings and will be examined by the Research Ethics Committee.

Presidente - 1995800 - ERIKA SIMONE GALVAO PINTO
Externa à Instituição - NATHALIA HALAX ORFÃO - UNIR
Interna - 3168491 - NILBA LIMA DE SOUZA
Externa ao Programa - 2863520 - SUENIA SILVA DE MESQUITA XAVIER
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/10/2021 15:49
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