Maternal mortality. Epidemiology. Health care. Obstetrics.
Pregnancy is a phase in a woman's life that is full of changes and involves not only the same woman, but the whole environment around her. When we think of maternal death, we must reflect not only a woman who died, but also the consequences that are reflected in this fact that shakes an entire family. About 830 women die daily due to preventable situations related to pregnancy and childbirth. The study aims to analyze reported maternal deaths and obstetric care in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the period from 2011 to 2019. This is a descriptive and retrospective study with a quantitative approach, with analysis of secondary data from the Birth Information System Alive, Mortality Information System referring to maternal deaths notified in that state, as well as from the National Registry of Health Establishments to obtain the network structure. It will be held in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, which is one of the nine states in the Northeast region of Brazil, has 167 municipalities and eight health regions. The population to be studied will consist of women who died in their pregnancy-puerperal cycle, residing in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 2011 to 2019. This time limit will be due to the data present in DATASUS being until 2019 and by the year 2011 representing the year of implementation of the Cegonha Network. Secondary data will be obtained publicly from the DATASUS website by SINASC, SIM and CNES. For data collection, an instrument created by researchers based on the variables presented by DATASUS will be used. The data will be grouped in spreadsheets in the Excel program and exported to spreadsheets in the SPSS statistical program. The project does not require the signing of the Free and Informed Consent Term, as well as submission to the Ethics and Research Committee for treating secondary data in the public domain. It is hoped that the results will allow reflections on the theme by health management and teams, identifying potentialities and obstacles, so that actions can be implemented to reduce maternal deaths.