Construction and validation of an evidence-based algorithm for the use of hypodermoclysis
Hypodermoclysis. Subcutaneous infusions. Palliative care. Nursing care. Validation studies.
The use of subcutaneous therapy is presented as a technique indicated for fluid replacement, when the oral and intravenous routes are not viable. Especially in the fields of geriatrics and oncology, due to the clinical conditions that these patients present, hypodermoclysis appears as an option in the control of signs and symptoms. However, it is necessary to develop and implement instruments to standardize care in relation to the technique. In this perspective, this study aims to build and validate the content and appearance of an algorithm to assist in the indication of hypodermoclysis in an adult patient. This is a methodological study for the construction and validation of content. The research considers the proposal of the Pasquali Model, whose same is organized in three stages, namely: theoretical procedures, in which the identification and mapping of evidence on hypodermoclysis was carried out, based on a scope review, in order to subsidize in defining the content that will compose the algorithm. The search resulted in 41 scientific productions that were analyzed according to their characteristics and evidenced the main recommendations of the technique; empirical procedures for constructing the algorithm, which was built using Bizagi Modeler software, and in this step the appearance and content validation will be made possible through the Google forms search management application and Delphi steps with expert judges in the area to obtain consensus; and, analytical procedures in which the analysis of the data from the previous phase will be performed through the content validation coefficient. Items with a minimum agreement of 80% between judges will be considered valid. The research will follow the ethical precepts in research with human beings described in Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council. The aim of the study is to enable a safe and relevant tool to support nursing care practice.