Association between the degree of physical disability, activity limitation and social participation with quality of life in discharged haneniasis patients: a cross-sectional study
Leprosy; Patient Discharge; Disabled Persons; Chronic Disease; Quality of Life; Nursing.
Considering the high prevalence of leprosy in Brazil, as well as the incapacitating potential of such disease even after therapy is concluded, it is assumed that those who have been discharged from leprosy may present physical disabilities and limitations regarding performance of activities and social participation. Such impairments might directly impact in one`s quality of life (QOL). In this perspective, it is questioned: what is the level of these physical and social limitations in individuals who were discharged from leprosy, and how can it be associated with quality of life? Hypothesis 0 (H0): There is no association between the degree of physical disability, activity limitation and social participation with the quality of life of individuals who were discharged from leprosy; H1: There is an association between the degree of physical incapacity, activity limitation and social participation with the quality of life of individuals who were discharged from leprosy. The main goal of the present study is to evaluate the association between the degree of physical disability, activity limitation and social participation with QOL of individuals who were discharged from leprosy. The specific objectives are: to characterize sociodemographic, therapeutic and clinical profile of discharged leprosy patients; to determine the degree of physical disability in individuals who were discharged from leprosy; to estimate the activity limitation of users who were discharged from leprosy; to characterize the degree of restriction to social participation in such patients; to describe the quality of life of patients receiving treatment for leprosy; to compare the average levels of quality of life with the degree of physical incapacity, activity limitation, social participation and operational classification of discharged leprosy patients. This is an analytical, cross-sectional, quantitative approach developed in the city of Natal / RN. The population was comprised by 214 cases of leprosy reported in Natal from the years 2011 to 2015. The sample of 90 users was calculated and selected by draw and followed the eligibility criteria. Inclusion criteria were: treatment discharged patients who completed MDT in the years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, with the duration standardized by the WHO, according to the operational classification; patients registered in the database of the Center of Notifiable Diseases of the Municipal Health Department of Natal; who performed the treatment in Natal; residents in the address registered in the database or those who use the same telephone number registered in order to allow the contact with a possible research participant; to be at least 18 years old; and to be alive. It were excluded from the present study: individuals with communication barriers that could impair the effectiveness of the interview; people with psychic suffering; individuals with neurological impairment due to causes unrelated to leprosy; hospitalized patients; as well as those whose addresses were not properly registered to allow access to the “user's place of residence”. Five instruments were defined for data collection: form of clinical and social characterization, guidelines of dermato-neurological exam, SALSA scale, Scale of Participation and the WHOQOL-bref. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the distribution of the normality of the collected data, choosing to work with non-parametric tests. The research project was submitted to Plataforma Brasil and approved by the Research Ethics Committee, number 2,054,508 and CAAE 64874316.3.0000.5537. There was a predominance of female individuals (61.1%), housewives, up to 59 years old (62.2%), living with a partner (61.1), non-white (55.6%), educational level up to elementary school (45.6%) and family income around R $ 1,800.00. In the treatment and clinical characterization, a prevalence of new cases (87.8%) was detected by referral (90.0%) in the specialized reference center (97.8%), classified as tuberculoid (53.3% %), negative bacilloscopy (63.3%) and lack of any degree of physical disability at the beginning of treatment (53.3%). It is worth mentioning the return of discharge of medication. The presence of some degree of physical incapacity, activity limitation, and restriction of social participation was more frequent in multibacillary cases. When it comes to quality of life, paucibacillary cases present better scores when compared to multibacillary patients, with statistical significance for general quality of life(p = 0.003), physical (p <0.001) and psychological (p <0.001) status . The best quality of life scores were also found in individuals without physical disabilities, activity limitations and without restriction to social participation. As a conclusion, the alternative hypothesis accepted is that there is an association between the degree of physical disability, activity limitation and social participation with the quality of life of individuals who were discharged from leprosy, evidencing better quality of life scores in those individuals classified as paucibacillary, with no physical disability, activity limitation or social participation restriction