Knowledgeand skills of nursing students in care of the person with cutaneous injury: evidence of validity of instruments
Nursing; Nursing Assessment; Nursing Care; Validation Studies; Wound and Injuries.
Nurses play a key role in caring for the injured person as they are directly involved in decision making in assisting these individual satall level sof health care. Their knowledge and practice are essential factors for prevention and treatment of injuries and should beinitiated in graduate courses. The discipline of Semiology and Semiotechnics of Nursing has been responsible for providing basic knowledge and skills development necessary for nursing practice related tosk in lesion care. The evaluation of these competencies must bed one by validated instruments. Thus, the objective was to investigate the validity evidences of knowledge skills instruments about nursing care to the person with cutaneous lesion for nursing students.This is a methodological study, developed in the period from April 2017 to April 2018 in a federal institution of nursing higher education, in Rio Grande do Norte, in twostages: the validation of knowledge instrumentand skills instrument. A total of 117 undergraduate student senrolled in the discipline of Semiology and Semiotechnics of Nursing participated in the validation phase of knowledge instrumentand 38 professionals from a research group from the same institution that Works with thematic of wounds. A total of 109 undergraduates participated of validation of skills instrument. The instrument sused were a question naire with 10 multiple choice question sapplied before and after wound classes and a checklist observation scriptwith 20 items, applied at the beginning of the practice class, before being given guide line sabout the procedure of dressing, and after the guidelines. Both instrument shadal ready been validated for content, buthad not yet been applied to the target public. The items of the questionnaire were analyze daccording to the index of difficulty and discrimination and those of the checklist as to the percentage of correct answers, using the Signal Test in the comparison of the two moments of application of the instruments. The research obtained a favorable opinion from the Research Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (CAAE nº: 0002.0.294.000-10). In the first stage of the application of the questionnaire, of the 10 questions 06 presented low level of difficulty before the classes, and after classes, this number increased to 09, with only 01 question of médium difficulty, and 08 questions in need ofrevision regarding the power discriminatory After the first review by there searchers of the study, 04 questions presenteed average difficulty after classes and 05 questions satisfactory discriminative power. After thelast review stage, according to the suggestions pointed out by there search group, 05 questions presented average level of difficulty, 03 questions low level of difficulty and 02 high difficulty before classes, 05 with a satisfactory index of discrimination. As for the application of the checklist, out of a total of 20 items, only 01 presented a percentage of accuracy above 70% before the guidelines. After the guidelines, 19 items presented na increase in the level of correctness, being this difference significant, except in the item related to hand hygiene before the procedure. The results indicate the validity evidence of the skills check list and, after the revisions, na improvement in the validity of the questionnaire, al though still in need of refinement.