Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 18/12/2017
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Departamento de enfermagem

Evaluation of the degree of implantation of the Health in School Program in Municipaly of Natal


Health; Education; School Health; Health Services Research.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Enfermagem

Introduction: The School Health Program proposes an execution of actions of prevention, promotion and attention to the health of the students of basic education with a purpose to contribute to the integral formation of these. Objectives: The general objective was to evaluate the degree of implantation of the School Health Program in the Municipality of Natal. The specific objectives: to elaborate the normative logic model of the School Health Program; identify the components of the structure and process of the Health in School Program; attribution of the diploma of the School Health Program. Method: Use a normative appreciation in all the steps of the research. A construction of the logical model was carried out through methodological research and based on Avedis Donabedian's theoretical methodological reference framework that considers a triad structure, process and result. Follow as steps of: problem description, data collection on the capabilities, resources and gaps of the intervention, presentation of proposed activities, identification of the products and / or expected results for each activity, organization of the components of the model and presentation of each component used. The quantitative approach for the evaluation of the degree of implantation of the School Health Program without Municipality of Natal/RN. During the enrollment period, the capital has 37 Family Health Units. In each worker, at least one professional of different categories (doctor, nurse, technician or auxiliary in nursing, community health agent, dentist and auxiliary or technical in oral health) counting 228 professionals. From the sample calculation for finite populations we identified that participatory 144 professionals in 24 units, equally distributed among professional categories. Predicting the representativeness of data throughout the municipality, it was recommended that a sample be distributed proportionally to the quantitative of Family Health Units in each health district. A structured questionnaire was constructed, based on the normative of the program, and filled with open and closed questions, organized in structure and process dimensions. A data collection took place between May and July 2017 and there was no replacement in case of non-participation in the program activities, professional refusal or absence during this stage. The data were organized into spreadsheets and analyzed using descriptive statistics without IBM SPSS Statistics Base 22.0. In order to identify the degree of implementation of the test we have closed questions that indicate a presence or absence of elements of the program through 13 criteria. The percentage of responses identified was distributed in four classifications corresponding to their degree of implantation: totally implanted (76% to 100%) partially implanted (51% to 75%), incipient implantation (26% to 50%) and not implanted (0% to 25%). Follow Resolution 466 of 2012 of the National Health Council, where it was studied by the Research Education Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, through opinion 2.064.901. Results: The logical model that is a promoter of an educational process conducive to the integral development of the student and the expected result of the School Health Program. Implementation of human resources, resources, infrastructures and materials to carry out clinical and psychosocial evaluation activities, health promotion and prevention of diseases and injuries, training of health professionals and education, monitoring and evaluation, and management planning meetings. Of the 144 professionals selected in the sample, 28 did not participate in school health activities, seven recruited and four servers in the data collection, resulting in 105 participants. From the obtained answers, it was possible to evaluate the degree of implantation of the School Health Program in Natal/RN. The intervention presents incipient implantation (33,23%), classification also found in the dimensions structure (29,39%) and process (34,94%). Financial resources and infrastructures, Public Health Week, clinical and psychosocial assessment activities and health promotion, prevention of diseases and injuries are not implemented. Human and material resources, municipal management planning meetings, school education, people training activities and continuing education and registration and information on the implementation of the incipient implant. The scheduling of activities for partially implemented evaluation. As non-territory planning meetings were fully implemented. Conclusion: The logical model made it possible to understand the structural organization, activities and results of the School Health Program and subsidized its evaluation process. The program presents an incipient implantation in Natal/RN, where it is necessary that the resources be made available to attend the needs of the program, that there is the articulation between the management and the professionals and that the training processes are intensified.

Presidente - 1995800 - ERIKA SIMONE GALVAO PINTO
Interno - 3168491 - NILBA LIMA DE SOUZA
Externo à Instituição - OSVALDO YOSHIMI TANAKA - USP
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/10/2017 14:44
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