Education Continuing; Hospitals teaching; Nursing; Validation Studies; Knowledge; Blood transfusion.
Continuing education in nursing services guiding transfusion practices greatly reduces the number of events due to errors and complications. Knowledge has to be provided to the professionals the way they can understand the significance and impact of learning in your professional practice. To do this, using active methodologies, such as a realistic simulation, can be an alternative in order to make the process more interactive and efficient. The objective of the study is to evaluate the realistic simulation as a teaching-learning strategy in the acquisition of knowledge in the transfusion process for nursing professionals. Intervention study performed in the hospitals belonging to the Federal University o Rio Grande do Norte (Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes, Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco e Hospital Ana Bezerra), in three stages: 1) Construction and validation of the instrument for the evaluation of the knowledge about the transfusion process with the judges of the research; Evaluation of the knowledge of professionals before and after the realistic simulation; Evaluation of nursing professionals' satisfaction with the teaching strategy realistic simulation. It was appreciated by the Ethics and Research Committee of HUOL, with number 1.709.004 (CAAE: 58511516.0.0000.5292). As a partial result of this study, the instrument, consisting in a questionnaire of knowledge composed of ten multiple choice questions, was evaluated by 12 specialist judges from 9 requirements. All questions, except for question 08, showed a level of agreement between judges above 90%. Of the 11 suggestions mentioned, only 02 were not adhered to. Overall, the instrument presented evidence of satisfactory validity (IVC – 0,95; Kappa - 0,83).