Disabled Persons; Validation Studies; Health Services Needs and Demand; Delphi Technique.
People with disabilities (PcD) over their history experienced situations of abandonment, denial of rights, stigma and prejudice. This therefore creates problems relating to health assistance to this audience, with limited access to services, health professionals, tests, medications, facing attitudinal and structural barriers. These factors generate health needs unmet, which causes problems for their quality of life. In this study, we consider the needs as something different from biologicist and technical demands that come to health services. In this context, the study justifies because in health is unknown specific validated instrument to assess PcD health needs, being as damaging factor to the quality of health care to this population segment, considering that identifying these needs aims at solving and quality intervention to change the health of PcD. Objective, thus , prepare and seek evidence of validity an instrument for the assessment of health needs of people with physical, hearing and visual. This is a methodological study to develop and validate the content and appearance of an evaluative instrument. Conducted with judges, professional healthcare throughout Brazil , and people with physical, hearing and visual disabilities registered in three associations to support the disabled person in the city of Mossoro / RN , from January 2015 to May 2016. The construction and validation process follows the precepts of Pasquali , following the steps of the theoretical pole through two phases: 1) identification of constitutive and operational definitions of the construct and preparation of items comprising the instrument called Instrument Health Needs Assessment of People with hearing and Visual Disabilities , ( IANS - PcDFAV ) through an integrative literature review , in the first quarter 2015 in CINAHL, MEDLINE , LILACS and SCOPUS databases; experience of researchers ; and in taxonomy of Matsumoto and Cecilio Health Needs. 2 ) Theoretical analysis of the items , Step 1 - content validity through Delphi technique; Step 2 - semantic validation and appearance through a pilot study. The first stage was held search through Lattes platform in order to identify health professionals with expertise who acted as judges instrument. The sample consisted of 33 experts in the Delphi phase 1 and 18 for Delphi 2. In the second stage sampling was non- probabilistic for convenience with eight people with physical, hearing and visual disabilities. For the first stage of data collection was submitted, via online form to experts. We conducted the analysis adopting Content Validity Index (CVI) > 0.80 and Cronbach's Alpha > 0.70. We used the Mann -Whitney test to investigate the differences between Delphi phases 1 and 2. In step two was applied three instruments to people with physical, hearing and visual disability: the IANS - PcDFAV, DISABKIDS® Questionnaire - Overall impression and the DISABKIDS® Questionnaire - specific impressions. The analysis was given by descriptive statistics. It was considered the principles of Resolution 466/2012. In the process of validity of the content in the first round Delphi it was found that five items of dimension of demographic data, and two items of the dimension living conditions have not reached the set index in the established content of validate. In other items occurred agreement, with CVI ranging from 0.82 to 1. In the second round, after heeded the suggestions of experts, all items reached excellent levels. Presented significant differences in socio-demographic data dimensions , living conditions and in the field 1 (one) ( p> 0.05). Regarding to the average of evaluation requirements , all items had better averages in the second evaluation , with statistical significance ( p = 0.026 ) in the requirement usefulness / relevance and overall assessment of the instrument ( p = 0.031 ). Cronbach's alpha was 0.884 in phase Delphi 1 and 0,825 in phase Delphi 2. Regarding the semantic validation and appearance, the instrument was evaluated as important and the items of the instrument were considered easy to understand. The responses generated changes in the construction of the instrument items. The proposed instrument has satisfactory values of validity and reliability, serving as a guide for assessing the health needs of people with physical, hearing and visual disabilities.