Development and validation of health needs’ evaluation instrument of people with physical, hearing and visual disabilities
Disabled People; Validation Studies; Health Services Needs and Demand; Delphi Technique.
People with disabilities (PcD) over their history experience situations of abandonment, denial of rights, stigma and prejudice. This therefore creates problems related to health assistance to this public, with limited access to services, health professionals, tests, medications, coping attitudinal and structural barriers. These factors generate health needs unmet, which causes problems for their quality of life. In this study, we consider the needs as something different from biologicist and technical demands that come to health services. In this context, it is justified to study because in health is unknown specific validated instrument to assess PcD health needs, being as damaging factor to the quality of health care to this population segment, considering that identifying these needs aims at solving and quality intervention to change the health of PcD. Objective, build and validate a health needs assessment tool for people with physical, hearing and visual. This is a methodological study for the development and validation of content and appearance of an evaluative instrument. The construction and validation process follows the precepts of Pasquali, following the steps of the theoretical pole through two phases: 1) identification of the content and construction of items that should compose the evaluative instrument of the health needs through revisional study in electronic databases, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), held in the first quarter of 2015; 2) Theoretical analysis of the items by theoretical evaluation by judges. Initially evaluated the relevance of the construct items, content validation, through expert panel using the Delphi technique via form built using the Google Docs tool. Later, understanding of the items the target population will be evaluated, performing semantic analysis and appearance. Each stage will follow appropriate methodological procedures to the scope of their intended. The project was approved by the Ethics and Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Committee, CAAE nº 39639014.3.0000.5537 in respect to Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council. As partial results, there is the realization of content validation of items, by Delphi technique with application of the instrument 33 to experts in the first round and 18 in second specialist. In the first round Delphi found that five items dimension demographic data, and two items of the dimension living conditions have not reached the set content validate index. In other items it occurred agreement with content validity index ranging from 0.82 to 1. In the second round, after accepting the suggestions of experts, all items achieved excellent rates. Presented significant differences in demographic data dimensions, living conditions and in the field one (1) (p> 0.05). Cronbach's alpha was 0.884 in Delphi 1 phase and 0.825 in Delphi 2 phase.