Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 23/05/2023
TIME: 14:10
LOCAL: Link de acesso para videoconferência:
Environmental and phytohormonal modulation of organ-specific specialized metabolite profiles in the medicinal tree Erythrina velutina

Erythrina velutina; transcriptome; metabolome; elicitation; biosynthesis; alkaloids;flflavonoids; caatinga.

PAGES: 132
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Farmácia
The study of plants is under increasing transformation due to the availability of molecular and
bioinformatics tools to understand physiology and point out potential sources of new bioactive
chemical entities with pharmaceutical interest. In this scenario, Erythrina velutina stands out
as a medicinal plant found in the northeast region of Brazil, mainly in the Caatinga biome. This
plant has a remarkable ability to produce alkaloids and flflavonoids, which are the main secon
dary metabolites of the genus and are often associated with pharmacological activities, such
as modulators of the central nervous system (with antidepressant and anxiolytic effects) and
anti-inflflammatory action. Although some natural products (NP) have been effective as a source
of new drugs, the pharmaceutical industry still faces challenges in the identifification and opti
mized production of these compounds and this has led to a reduction in interest in NP-based
drugs. In order to minimize these gaps, this study aims to integrate molecular and chemical
data to investigate the biosynthesis of the main metabolites present in E. velutina under three
aspects: to evaluate the metabolic production in plants collected in natural habitat (Caatinga)
and in cultivated plants submitted to different stimuli (ii); identify reference genes that norma
lize RT-qPCR tests for the species (ii) and evaluate the expression of target genes responsible
for the production of alkaloids and flflavonoids with bioactive potential (iii). The study focuses
on transcriptome, proteome and metabolome data obtained from samples collected in their natu
ral habitat, in addition to seedling cultivation subjected to stresses environmental (temperature,
UV, water stress, salt stress and mechanical damage) and phytohormones (methyljasmonate ,
salicylic acid, sodium nitroprusside and abscisic acid). This study will be able to signifificantly
contribute to the understanding of the secondary metabolism of plants in the semi-arid/xeric
environmental conditions, characteristic of the Caatinga region. In addition, it helps to improve
the production of bioactive molecules in the species and to value a plant from the Caatinga of
Rio Grande do Norte as a source of compounds with pharmaceutical potential. This research
represents the fifirst step towards managing the impact on optimal metabolite production in E.

Externo à Instituição - GIANCARLO PASQUALI - UFRGS
Externo ao Programa - 2170415 - Jorge Estefano de Santana Souza - nullPresidente - 2276354 - LEANDRO DE SANTIS FERREIRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 08/05/2023 09:57
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