Integration of transcriptome, proteome and metabolite profiling in the investigation of Erythrina velutina alkaloid biosynthesis Willd.
Erythrina velutina transcriptome; Biosynthesis of Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids; Caatinga Biome; Proteome; Targeted metabolite profile.
Plants belonging to the genus Erythrina are sources of tetracyclic benzylisoquinolinic alkaloids found in the Brazilian northeast, in the Caatinga biome and they are used in folk medicine, mainly as central nervous system depressant (sedative, soothing). One of the limiting factors that many natural products present as medicines is their low yield and it is difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities to supply the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, according to borderline studies in the area it is important to understand aspects of alkaloid biosynthesis through molecular tools. This study aims to contribute and complement the knowledge about biosynthesis regarding the alkaloids in leaves and seeds of the species Erythrina velutina Willd through the omics technologies (transcriptome, proteome and metabolome (targeted metabolite profile approach) in order to understand the production of these molecules with bioactive potential and to support future biotechnological studies. Therefore, the de novo assembly of RNA was performed for the first time in a species of the genus and in a native plant of the Caatinga biome. Proteome and target metabolite profile analyses were performed using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometer strategy. As a result, 16 candidate genes and 4 proteins were suggested to compose the biosynthetic pathway of isoquinoline alkaloids in seeds and leaves of this species. In addition, 29 common and unique alkaloids in both vegetable parts were annotated. It is hoped that these data may indicate strategies for biotechnological intervention for future studies, in order to improve the production of these bioactive molecules in plant and crop forms or reconstruction of microbial pathways, as well as the valorization of Caatinga as a source of alkaloids with bioactive potential.