Acute leukemia. Immunophenotyping. Lymphoid leukemia.
Acute Leukemia (AL) defines a huge and heterogeneous group of malignant clonal
diseases. They affect hematopoietic precursors quantitatively and qualitatively and it
needs clinical and laboratory criteria for diagnosis and classification. AL may have
myeloid or lymphoid origin and specifically for Acute Lymphoid Leukemia (ALL) it
may be subclassified in B or T lineage. In this study, 72 individuals with ALL treated
at the Hemocentro Dalton Cunha (HEMONORTE) were listed, both from Rio Grande
do Norte. The patients were submitted to laboratory and immunophenotypic analyzes
aiming for outline the immunophenotypic profile of ALL in the state of Rio Grande do
Norte, Brazil. The 72 case found were between 0.1 and 78 years old with a mean of
18.8 years and 63.9% of the patients were male. The lineage most frequently
observed was the B lineage and the most evident subtype was Common Pre-B ALL.
The most frequently expressed antigens in the B subtype were CD19, CD10, HLADR
and cCD79a, and the most frequently expressed antigens in the T strain were CD7,
CD5 and CD2. It was concluded that individuals with ALL in Rio Grande do Norte
have similar demographic, clinical and immunophenotypic characteristics, as others
studied around the world and that flow cytometry immunophenotyping (FCI) is an
essential way to diagnose AL of lymphoid origin.