Association of audiological and psychoacoustic measures of tinnitus with anxiety symptoms
Tinnitus; Anxiety; Hearing Loss; Audiology.
Introduction: Tinnitus is the perception of a sound generated in the auditory pathways in the absence of an external sound source and can cause different emotional reactions. Objective: (1) To verify whether there is a relationship between the presence of chronic tinnitus and risk factors and comorbidities reported by participants in this research. (2) To verify the relationship and compare the psychoacoustic characteristics, the impact and level of discomfort of tinnitus with symptoms associated with anxiety, in patients with and without hearing loss. Method: Study approved by the Research Ethics Committee, nº 4,880,618. Dissertation structured in two articles. (1) Observational, analytical case-control study, with a sample of 100 participants divided into the Research Group (RG) with chronic tinnitus and the Control Group (CG) without tinnitus. (2) Cross-sectional and analytical study, with a sample of 50 participants divided into two groups, group 1 (G1) without hearing loss and group 2 (G2) with hearing loss. The responses obtained by the visual analogue scale (VAS), Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), acuphenometry and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were analysed. Results: (1) There was influence of diabetes mellitus and hearing loss associated with tinnitus. (2) A significant difference was observed for the variables pitch in the right ear (RE) and total VAS score between the groups. There was a correlation between VAS and loudness and THI with VAS and IDATE-T, in G1. Conclusion: (1) There was an association between the comorbidities diabetes mellitus and hearing loss as risk factors for the presence of tinnitus. (2) There was no difference in the impact of tinnitus on quality of life, the feeling of symptom intensity and signs of anxiety between patients with and without hearing loss. However, there was a difference in the sensation of the frequency of tinnitus in the right ear and the level of discomfort of the symptom, which was greater among patients with hearing loss. It was also identified a relationship between the level of annoyance and the greater sensation of tinnitus intensity, in both ears, in the normal hearing group.