Relationship of the phonological system of orality and phonological awareness in low income preschool children.
Child Language, Speech, Learning, Socioeconomic Need.
Written language is an extension of oral language and its development occurs under the influence of several factors, among which we can highlight the levels of oral language, including phonology, and phonological processing skills. The phonological level of orality is related to the sound system present in a given language, and the same has shown possible relationship with the development of reading and writing. Phonological awareness is one of the phonological processing skills of great influence for the acquisition of written language. Objective: To evaluate the phonological system of orality and phonological awareness in low-income preschool children and to correlate their abilities with each other. Method: Observational, cross-sectional, retrospective and documentary study. The sample will be composed of 96 children of level IV of kindergarten, students of Municipal Centers of Early Childhood Education (CMEI) from 3 regions of Natal / RN (West, South and East), aged between 5 and 6 years and 11 months of both sexes. The results of the phonological assessments of the Child Language Test - ABFW and the phonological awareness by the instrument CONFAS will be analyzed. For the analysis of the phonological level of orality, the percentage of correct consonants (PCC-R) and the productivity of the phonological processes will be considered and for the phonological awareness will be considered the correctness of the syllabic, phonemic abilities and the total score. Partial results: The sample has so far consisted of 39 children, 17 (43.5%) males and 22 (56.5%) females aged 5 years and 6 years and 11 months. In the evaluation of phonological processes in the naming test, it was observed that 24 (61.5%) obtained at least one productive process and 12 (30,7%) in imitation, while the most frequent processes were simplification of final consonant and simplification of consonant encounter in naming and posteriorization. for palatal and simplification of consonate encounter in imitation. There was an increase in PCC R average in imitation (96.1%) compared to the naming test (94.9%). There was a correlation between phonology tests (naming and imitation), phonological awareness tests, but there was no relationship between the CCP R and phonological awareness.