Hearing; Auditory Perceptual Disorders; Mass Screening; Data Accuracy.
Objectives: 1) To review the literature regarding the effectiveness of screening instruments for Auditory Processing Disorder (APD); 2) Compare the final Digits in Noise Test (DNT) signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in children with APD versus typical children and analyze the accuracy of the instruments DNT, SCAN, and QFISHER. Methods: In study 1, the search went over six databases and gray literature. Risk of bias of the included articles through QUADAS 2 was analyzed. In study 2, the convenience sample consisted of 30 children, 23 with APD (G2) and seven without the disorder (G1), aged 8 to 12 years that performed audiological evaluation; tympanometry; visual numerical recognition; DNT; auditory processing screening; and behavioral assessment of auditory processing to diagnose APD. The analysis used DNT final SNR comparing G1 and G2. The accuracy of the three instruments was calculated with significance level of 5%. Results: From study 1, 1.114 articles were identified. In the analysis of title and abstract, 24 articles went to full-article analysis, remaining five after this. Three articles had a high risk of bias in at least one domain. For study 2, the mean SNR was -7.25 dB in G2 subjects and -8.34 dB in G1. Conclusions: In study 1, all instruments have good specificity, however, only the STAP and seven German battery tests are sensitive in identifying APD. Regarding study 2, the performance in DNT of children with APD was similar to children without disorder.