Home care by informal elderly caregivers: construction of assistance technology for literacy assessment
Primary Health Care; caregivers; elderly; Health Literacy
During the aging process, which is becoming more and more frequent, not everyone can develop and maintain their functional abilities. The weaknesses generate dependence and the need for a caregiver, most of the time an informal one. It is necessary that the caregiver assumes his or her duties with conviction of his or her actions in order to provide a favorable prognosis for the elderly and to lessen their burden. The educational role of the Family Health Strategy is fundamental, teaching the care to be performed daily at home. However, in order to achieve the quality of the care provided, it is necessary to evaluate the 6th vital sign of informal caregivers, the health literacy. This study aims to contribute to the PHC team for home care through the health literacy of informal caregivers of the elderly. Convergent Care Research will be carried out. The steps of PCA will be followed. Design: performance of an Integrative Literature Review through the SPICE strategy; Intrumentation: The research setting will be a city in Natal and the participants will be Elderly Dependents, Informal Caregivers and Health Professionals from the ESF. These will be submitted to the TCLE and TAGV to start the data collection that will happen through convergence groups with the health professionals of the ESF and semi-structured open individual interviews with the elderly and informal caregivers; Perscrutation: rigorous investigation of the information obtained to make the necessary changes observed in the collection phase. Analysis: use of Bardin's content analysis for data interpretation. At the end it is intended to build an instrument of monitoring of the informal caregiver by the PHC to support home care to the elderly.