
The graduate Program in Health and Society (PPGSES) was created and approved by CAPES in 2017, having begun its activities in the 2017.1 t. The Program currently has the Professional Master's Degree in Health and Education Practices (MPPSE) in the modal stricto sensu modal, at the professional master's level. The goal of the program is to occupy a prominent position in health graduate programs.

The Professional Master's Degree in Health and Education Practices (MPPSE) aims to train health workers at the level of professional master's degree in an integral and critical-reflective perspective, who work in the individual and / or collective care of the population.

The MPPSE has its area of concentration in Knowledge and Practices in Health and Education and the following Lines of Research: 1-Epidemiology, surveillance and health care and 2-Knowledge and management practices in health and education.

On the proposal of creation of the Professional Masters in Health Practices and Education:

The MPPSE seeks to expand the contribution of this institution in the training of professionals in the health field in a national context where social policies are developed to deal with social debts related to the formation process of the Brazilian people, especially highlighting healthcare. In this sense, we seek to articulate the interfaces of care, surveillance, and management in health and education, aiming towards the professional qualification of health workers.

The proposal of a course in the Professional Master's degree format adds value both to the historical trajectory of UFRN’s School of Health in the scope of Professional Education, as well as to emphasize the partnership between UFRN’s and Unified Health System (SUS) managers and workers in the local and national scenario, which in turn contributes to the promotion and / or strengthening of the exchange between training networks and health care networks. This strengthens the perspective of participation and protagonism of services as places of action in health, territory of events, research and transformation of good public health practices at the individual and / or collective level.

The Professional Master's Degree in Health and Education Practices aims to train masters for the care, research, teaching and / or preceptory skills based on the comprehension of integrality, interdisciplinarity and intersectoriality in the field of health, as well as the current conception of Social Determinants of Health (DSS) in the light of the global debate on health, education and society. It is a priority to strengthen the scientific training of health workers, encouraging the use of the scientific method and interventions that strengthen democratic and integral processes in the management of the work process and care.

Thus, the commitment of UFRN’s School of Health to the professional training at Professional Masters level in Health and Education Practices aims to reach professionals from different backgrounds in the field of health, since, according to the advances and new approaches of the SUS, contemplates the interdisciplinary perspective. 

Offered Structure:

1. Nursing and informatics laboratories;

2. Air-conditioned classrooms with projectors;

3. Specialized Sector Library Professor Bertha Cruz Enders;

4. Central Library Zila Mamede;

5. Auditoriums and amphitheaters;

6. Qualified faculty.



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A selection process for the third class will be held in 2019. Information about the public notice shall be disclosed soon.


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UFRN - School of Health - PPGSES


Campus Universitário - Lagoa Nova - CEP 59078-970 - Natal / RN


E-mail: - Website:




Office hours:

Wednesday: 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Thursday and Friday: 08h00 to 12h00 / 14h00 to 17h00

3342-2290 (ext 103) / 99474-6708




Public Servants of the Secretariat:


Fernando Deyvid and Anna Katyanne

Alternative Address

Program Coordination


    Telephone number: (84) 3342-2290/101

    Telephone number 2: (84) 99474-6708



    Telephone number: Not available at this moment

    Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment

    E-mail: Not available at this moment

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