Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 22/08/2024
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Por videoconferência

DIDACT SEQUENCE WITH LOGBOOK: the dynamics of the urban landscape of Currais Novos (RN) in Geography Teaching in the final years of Elementary School in Youth and Adult Education


Teaching Geography; Youth and Adult Education (EJA); didact sequence; Logbook; Currais Novos (State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil).

PAGES: 147
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Geografia
SUBÁREA: Geografia Humana
SPECIALTY: Geografia Política

This research investigated issues in the teaching of Geography related to Youth and Adult Education (EJA), with a specific focus on the second half of Elementary School. It presents a brief reflective memorial about this educational modality in Brazil, highlighting the structural and political conditions for its operation, as well as the obstacles placed over the years due to the lack of effective public policies that guarantee its success. We reaffirm a series of problems, including the lack of interest among student workers and the high rates of school dropout. The debate about the trajectory of Geography teaching in Brazil is present in this research, aiming to gain knowledge of the whole and, thus, understand the participation of Geography teaching in EJA. Questioning the impact of classroom practices, teaching planning and Geography curricular proposals on these challenges were central to the research. One of the issues discussed was the lack of prioritization of EJA in educational policies, which results in limited resources and little attention to the specific needs of this group of students. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic (an important contingency at the time of this research) exacerbated inequalities in access and participation, making it even more difficult to carry out educational activities, especially for EJA students, who often face additional difficulties due to their family and professional responsibilities. To face these challenges, a practical and engaging approach was proposed, through the development of a didactic sequence (DS) centered on the urban dynamics of the city of Currais Novos. This approach seeks to connect Geography content with students' everyday reality, making it more meaningful and relevant for them. In this report, we present the SD practice and brief reflections on the challenges, results and possibilities for adjustments for future applications, containing part of the material constructed with the students. Furthermore, it reflects on the need for more comprehensive teacher training that is sensitive to the demands of EJA, as well as the importance of flexible and creative strategies to face educational challenges. The work also characterizes the macro space, the city of Currais Novos (state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil), the researcher's place of residence and where the educational institution, Centro de Educação de Jovens e Adultos Professora Creuza Bezerra, object of research study. In short, the research aimed to overcome the ordinary challenges faced in teaching Geography at EJA, promoting a deeper understanding of geographic space and its interactions with students' lives, with the ultimate objective of making teaching more accessible, meaningful and transformative, suggesting a viable and flexible learning alternative that can be improved and applied in the various EJA teaching experiences in the country

Presidente - ***.855.476-** - JEANE MEDEIROS SILVA - UFU
Externa à Instituição - ANDRÉIA MELLO LACÉ - UnB
Notícia cadastrada em: 14/08/2024 12:34
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