Processes. Observatory. Death of Startups. Startups.Process mapping. Management.
Data from Sebrae (2007 to 2011) indicate that the high mortality rate of individual microentrepreneurs and microenterprises in the first five years of life is attributed to management failures, lack of preparation, and inadequate planning. The study investigates the potential of a process observatory as a tool to face these challenges for startups. The paper concludes that the implementation of such an observatory can help overcome challenges, improve management, and, consequently, increase the chances of success of startups. The article highlights the growth of startups in Brazil, driven by financial incentives and an innovation ecosystem. However, these companies, despite being innovative and agile, face an environment of high uncertainty and mortality. Innovation, as highlighted by the Oslo Manual, is fundamental to the success of startups, requiring constant adaptation and review of strategies. The research employed a literature review, analysis of secondary data, and application of a questionnaire to founders and managers of startups. The methodology sought to capture a comprehensive view of the internal processes of these companies and the importance of process management for their survival. Data triangulation increased the validity and reliability of the results. The main objectives were to identify startups' shortcomings and propose solutions to mitigate these challenges, focusing on creating strategies that drive development and reduce mortality rates.