Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 26/09/2018
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala de Reuniões do DSC

Evaluating the difficulties to carry out the consultation of growth and development in a small municipality  of northeast brazil

Keywords: Growth and Development; Primary Health Care; Program of Improvement of Attention and Quality.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Saúde Coletiva


Introduction: The Growth and Development Consultation – (CD) - is a programmatic action offered in the context of the work of Primary Health Care teams, which aims to offer prevention and promotion actions to children's health, as well as anticipate problems of children in the first years of life. Nowadays, although great advances have been achieved with SUS, there are still factors that make it difficult to implement policies, programs and strategies, which is no different in the PHC reality of the municipality under study. Objective: to recognize the difficulties for conducting the CD consultation in a small municipality of Northeast Brazil. Methodology: cross-sectional evaluative research with a quantitative approach, the database came from the external evaluation of the II Program Cycle of Improvement of Access and Quality (PMAQ). The research was carried out in the framework of six FHS teams that were evaluated by the PMAQ in the year 2015. The evaluation instrument was composed of a set of quality standards, aligned with the standards contained in the AMAQ-AB instrument, and which were organized in five major dimensions (institutional support of management for the basic care, reception and accessibility teams, care process , care coverage and active search) with the observation of the specific variables that are relate to each of them. These represent or translate the quality or the difficulties to perform the CD consultation in the reality of basic care worked. The ethical precepts of the resolution 510/16 were preserved. Results: the variables related to the five dimensions were evaluated and it was verified that a great part of these are limited and fragilized, negatively affecting the assistance offered in CD in the APS of this municipality. Conclusions: the quality assessment research carried out allowed us to represent the scenery of the CD consultation offered in the reality under study, at the same time as it gave answers to the objectives outlined. It was verified that many are the challenges still present for the correct operationalization of this programmatic action in this municipality and that stands out among them the need to rescue the critical reflection of the work process of the PHC teams based on the collective planning of the service, as well as , the need for several interventions in this service, given the inherent fragility verified in the assistance offered.


Presidente - 347772 - NILMA DIAS LEAO COSTA
Interno - 911.028.804-00 - WILTON RODRIGUES MEDEIROS - UFRN
Externo à Instituição - ARDIGLEUSA ALVES COELHO - UEPB
Notícia cadastrada em: 17/09/2018 10:48
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