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DATE: 17/02/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência - Google Meet

An HL7 FHIR-based middleware for Health Information Systems


healthcare; middleware; interoperability; HIS; EHR; eHealth; mHealth.

BIG AREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
AREA: Ciência da Computação
SUBÁREA: Metodologia e Técnicas da Computação
SPECIALTY: Engenharia de Software

The provision of health services is increasingly being supported by different technological solutions, such as Health Information Systems (HIS), Electronic Health Records (EHR), or solutions based on eHealth and mHealth. These solutions aim to support decisions and optimize processes in the provision of health services through the collection, processing, and availability of health data. Therefore, the use of digital solutions in the health context brings benefits both from the point of view of the management of health facilities and the clinical team that deals directly or indirectly with patients. Digital solutions for the health context are used in different environments, such as hospitals, clinics, laboratories, among others. Thus, it is common that different solutions are created and used to solve specific problems, with different characteristics and for different environments, but still in the health context. For example, a hospital may use different systems in its day-to-day activities, such as an Electronic Patient Record (PEP) to manage information regarding patient consultations and treatments; a system for monitoring patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU); and a system for managing outpatient examinations. These different systems deal with different types of data, resulting in an ecosystem of heterogeneous solutions that are not easily integrated, making interoperability between these solutions difficult. Interoperability consists of the ability of an application to transfer data to another application (syntactic interoperability) and the ability to interpret the data that is transferred (semantic interoperability). Considering the diversity of types of solutions that can be used in the health context and the potential gain that can be obtained by integrating data from different solutions in this context, the interoperability requirement becomes important to be contemplated by Health Information Systems solutions. Health and that is why Middleware-based solutions emerge as an option for solutions that support interoperability between health systems. A Middleware consists of the layer of software that is between the technological and application levels, being above the operating system and below the application level, providing a common programming abstraction and aiming to facilitate the integration between systems through strategies of abstraction of the schedule. By promoting high-level abstractions for programmers, middlewares facilitate integration steps between heterogeneous systems, making code more portable. In the health context, there are a series of middlewares that propose to support the integration between already used applications. However, the review of the state of the art carried out in this work shows that the solutions are focused on different areas (such as image exams, sensing, and mobile computing solutions) and do not use open interoperability standards that facilitate the exchange of information from different clinical data, such as HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources - HL7 FHIR). It is based on this context that this work describes a Middleware Based on HL7 FHIR for Health Information Systems. The proposed solution aims to promote interoperability between different applications and health information systems, making the details of their implementations clearer become invisible to developers, focusing only on the communication layer and enabling integration between these different solutions. In this sense, throughout the work, the requirements of the solution will be described, as well as details of its architecture and implementation, resulting in the realization of a Proof of Concept carried out with 5 applications integrated through Middleware, namely: the Remote Assistance Platform (PAIR); the Clinical Data Platform (SigSaúde); the Information System for the Management of ICU Beds (Beds); the System for the Management of Notifications of COVID Cases in RN (SUVEPI); and the Testing Management System for Suspected COVID-19 Patients in RN (Exams).

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