Literacy project. Anti-racist education. Genres.
This master’s dissertation aims to describe actions of a Literacy Project, with an anti-racist nature, developed in order to expand the awareness of ethnic-racial issues related to black people students in a final grade elementary school class at a public school in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Specifically, the objective is to a) analyze the network of activities of an anti-racist training PL within a school unit; b) identify the discursive genres that emerge in the anti-racist training PL; c) present observed impacts of this social and civic practice. The theoretical framework of this work is based on Literacy Studies, especially literacy practices, literacy events, literacy agents and literacy projects, according to the perspective of Kleiman (2005); Barton and Hamilton (2000); Mey (2001); Bazerman (2007), dialoguing with studies of the dialogical conception of language by the Bakhtin Circle. Methodologically, this intervention research departs from the qualitative paradigm with an ethnographic bias and the vision of a teacher-researcher. It was held at the Francisco Camilo de Souza State School, in Nísia Floresta/RN. Data generation for this research was carried out through classroom intervention from August to December 2023, using observation, questionnaire, personal report, photographic record, video recording and text production as data generation instruments. It is observed that the systematization of Anti-Racist Education in public schools generates the possibility of enhancing the training of educators and students who are aware of the need to position themselves critically in society, coordinating to face the adversities resulting from structural racism.