"Study of the organic cation 2-ethyl-1,3,4-trimethylimidazolium in synthesis of zeolites and zeotypes"
zeolite, 2-ethyl-1,3,4-trimethylimidazolium, hydrofluoric media.
In this PhD thesis several new possibilities of zeolite and zeotype synthesis employing the organic cation 2-ethyl-1,3,4-trimethylimidazolium were tested and studied in hydrofluoric media. Initially, it was deepened into the study of the pure silica zeolite HPM-1 to understand the role of the cation in the nucleation and growth, as no in-depth study was perform before. These experiments resulted in the creation of a hypothesis of the mechanism based on the interactions between the organic cation and the silica precursors observed. Subsequently, an alternative methodology of heteroatom introduction, never reported for the present material, was also presented to give HPM-1 catalytic properties. As a result of it, Al-HPM-1 with a higher quantity of aluminium in the framework than the reported on literature was obtained. Finally, an exploratory study of the organic cation in zeotype synthesis (with Si, Al and P) was performed, giving three products: two zeotypes, CHA and LTA types, and an unknown lamelar material.