"Favela-Senzala" and "Desfavelamento" as unfolding of the "Casa-Grande" in Conceição Evaristo's Becos da Memória
Collective Memory. Becos da Memória. Favela. Conceição Evaristo.
This work aims to carry out a study on collective memory in Conceição Evaristo's book "Becos da Memória," highlighting its significance in both narrative construction and the author's literary undertaking. The narrative centers around residents of a favela who grapple with the process of "desfavelamento" throughout the story. Through the narrator Maria-Nova, we get to know characters such as Vó Rita, Maria-Velha, Negro Alírio, and Tio-Totó, whose memories bring out glimpses of the reality and challenges of the space they inhabit. Additionally, the plot deals with structural issues of race and class within the favela, factors that play into its ultimate outcome. In this research, theoretical-methodological support is drawn upon from Halbwachs (1990) and Pollak (1989) to go over the concepts of individual and collective memory. Seligmann-Silva (2008) is employed to delve into the aspects of traumatic memory and testimonies. Gilberto Freyre (2006) and Lilia Schwarcz (2019) contribute to discussing societal aspects. Consequently, the results point out how memory underpins the entire narrative and impacts the characters, ultimately demonstrating that the favela can be thought of as an extension of the "senzala" (slave quarters), as it also constitutes a site of violence and suffering. Thus, the narrative elucidates the importance of collective memory and leaves its mark on Conceição Evaristo's poetics.