Education, Public Health Professional. Health Human Resource Training. Unified Health System. Universities
The theme related to professional training in the health area has been highlighted with different approaches in the literature. Although general aspects are presented, it is important that practical experiences of experiences in institutional settings are presented since they are real portraits of what happens in the practice of the teaching-learning process of students and have repercussions at the macro level, in the professional profile model of graduates and the quality of the care services provided. The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte presents in its curricular proposal for health courses, a curricular component integrated between the different courses in the area, with experience in the territory taking place in different services and professionals with the community. The component is called Health and Citizenship (SACI). In this sense, this thesis aims to present the contributions of SACI in the consolidation of the general principles to be incorporated into the National Curricular Guidelines (DCN) of undergraduate courses in the health area as specified in Resolution 569 of the National Health Council of 2017, dialoguing with the theories of Complex Thinking and Problem-Based Education. Thus, a case study with a qualitative approach is used, which unfolds through two methodological designs: documentary analysis of portfolios constructed by students who took the curricular component and application of questionnaires with online interviews with professors from different health courses at UFRN. The results showed that curricular components with didactic-pedagogical characteristics similar to those of SACI, based on theoretical references such as complexity and liberating learning, have the potential to promote critical and reflective training capable of meeting the numerous and varied demands of the Unified Health System. Furthermore, SACI proved to be a model of curricular component that is modeled in a manner consistent with the recommendations of the DCN. Despite these positive findings, there are difficulties to be overcome so that the implementation of the component achieves its educational objectives to the greatest potential. Despite the limitation of the results of this Thesis, a contribution is perceived in terms of promoting reflections on possibilities for remodeling curricular models with the insertion of curricular components that better bring students closer to the reality of the SUS and in the search for improvements that enable both educational institutions and health services to integrate so that they collaborate intersectorally in the training of professionals closer to what is recommended by the current health system.