Interventions for promoting adherence to exercise in people with overweight or obesity: a systematic review
Sedentary behavior; Obesity treatment; Level of physical activity
Introduction: WHO projects that in the next decade, half a billion people will be affected by grievances from physical inactivity. Since obese are particularly affected, due to a cycle of feedback where the more sedentary they become, the more they tend to gain weight, and the more weight they gain, the more they tend to physical inactivity. Objective: Identify which interventions are effective to promote exercise adherence in people with overweight or obesity. Methods: Screening studies with adult population overweight or obesity, with outcomes related to adherence to exercise and interventions of at least 12 weeks and control group was performed independently by two researchers. Like the extraction and synthesis of data. The "Cochrane Risk of Bias" tool was used for methodological bias assessment. No meta-analysis was not proceeded due to the heterogeneity of the collected data.