Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 22/03/2019
HORA: 14:30
LOCAL: Sala de Reunião, Centro de Biociências, UFRN

Characterization of livestock production in the watershed of the Rio Doce-RN


Animal Husbandry. GIS. Livestock. Watershed. Environment

ÁREA: Ciências Ambientais

This dissertation aimed to characterise the livestock production in the watershed of the Rio Doce-BHRD, located in the eastern portion of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, surveys were carried out documentary and bibliographical revision, with the aim of support theoretically and give directions for discussions as well as direct to data collection in the field. Was carried out, too, for cartographic survey BHRD for the spatialization and interpretation of data. The choice of the watershed as geographical analysis scale is justified, because it was possible to follow anthropogenic changes in the landscape, as well as to espacialize the concentration of livestock production throughout the basin. In this sense, the dissertation was built in two articles. In the first, carried out a temporal analysis of evolution and changes in livestock production in the municipalities belonging to BHRD from 2005 to 2016. The data were obtained from the Brazilian geography and Statistics Institute (IBGE), from the use of spreadsheets, where were built the charts and graphs of the data. The results showed a drop in livestock production, generally caused by urban growth in the vicinity of the city, for a period of drought in the region and the reduction of investment by public and private institutions. The western part of the basin stands out for the livestock production of large animals. The central part by the creation of large animals, such as cattle and horses and small as sheep, goats, pigs and poultry. The eastern portion of the basin has fewer designers, with subsistence-oriented production. In the second chapter, the main article of the dissertation, aimed to characterize the main types of livestock production in the watershed of the Rio Doce-RN and the concentration of animals by type of farming and total. The data for farms were obtained in the year 2017, IDIARN, stored in a Geographic database and processed in the GIS QGIS ESSEN 2.14. To the concentration of livestock production by type and in General, the interpolation type IDW for obtaining the patches of concentration of livestock production. It was observed that the bovine herd is predominant in the basin, in central part and your source of the mute, West portion of the basin, followed by the chickens, on the North Central and the pigs, in the South-central part. To a lesser extent, the horses, more southwest of the basin. All in all, the basin featured a concentration of livestock production in the East-Central portion of the basin, influenced by the bovine and poultry creations. It is understood that special attention is needed in the areas where they were presented higher concentrations of livestock production, so there are no negative environmental impacts in the watershed. It is suggested that, for these areas, are laid down criteria governing the livestock production environmental laws in force, in order to preserve the local environment. Confirming the importance of the natural resources of the basin, especially with regard to water quality mainly to the North of the city of Natal, considered necessary more detailed studies in order to deepen discussions on production livestock Council, that meets the needs of the man in the middle and the preservation of natural resources. Finally, this study serve as a guiding tool for public policy and management of livestock production, with the cut river basins, as well as contribute to the local development in a sustainable manner.

Externo à Instituição - ALFREDO MARCELO GRIGIO - UERN
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Notícia cadastrada em: 11/03/2019 11:21
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