THE OFFENSIVE OF THE REACTIONARY RIGHT IN BRAZIL: critical analysis of Human Rights policy in the historical period of 2018-2022
Human Rights and Conservatism
This project aims to analyze the positions of the reactionary right in Brazil, on human rights, in the historical period of 2018-2022. The context we focus on is, notably, marked by the rise of Bolsonarism as a conservative reaction to the organic crisis that hit the country in the last decade. In the scenario of the structural crisis of capital (Mészáros, 2002) since the 1970s and the rise of neoliberalism as a hegemonic force that has been forged in Brazil since the 1990s, left-wing forces are experiencing a crisis in their political project. In a tone contrary to the global context, the country achieves electoral victory on the left by the Workers' Party (PT), the result of alliances with the center and right-wing sectors, in an attempt to reconcile to govern. However, this logic was destroyed after the 2014 elections, where the re-election of the PT by President Dilma Rousseff opened the way for a resentful right to regain its momentum with new expressions. This phenomenon ended up producing electoral defeats for political parties and segments of the left in the elections that followed and expanded the spectrum of the right at the center of command of the State apparatus, since the majority elections of 2018, in which Bolsonaro emerged victorious, becoming president. from Brazil. The realization of this project is based on the critical-dialectical analysis method based on the understanding of categories such as totality, historicity, contradiction and mediation. For data collection and production, documentary research and bibliographic research will be carried out. Producing theoretically about the inflections of this reactionary right that has its maximum expression in the Bolsonaro government in the field of human rights is indispensable to Social Service, in the theoretical, political and budgetary field. The production of knowledge is an imperative tool for understanding reality, by understanding in depth the impacts of fundamentalist conservatism and all its actions in the policies that are developed for women, families and human rights.