Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 13/09/2019
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala de Reuniões do CB

Behavioral ecology of Mabuya agmosticha (Mabuyidae) in Encholirium spectabile (bromeliaceae): relevance of this association and of this host bromeliad to brazilian semiarid


lizard behavior; plant animal interaction; semiarid; rocky outcrops; keystonespecies; ecosystem engineers.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Psicologia

The success of a species in a particular habitat or ecosystem depends on a range of behaviors, each with a specific purpose, always taking into account maximizing energy gain and decreasing costs. The habitat where the species lives guides its behaviors, most of them focused on the way of life in these places. Bromeliads, for example, are important habitats for many species, including reptiles, among which Mabuya agmosticha, a species of lizard of the Mabuyidae family, bromelicolous habitat and endemic from northeastern Brazil. Considering its close relationship with the Encholirium spectabile, a rupicolous bromeliad in the Brazilian semiarid, this study addressed the behavioral ecology of M. agmosticha in association with E. spectabile in the Agreste region of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, besides analyzing the importance of these host plants for biodiversity and the socioeconomics of the northeastern semiarid. Methodology: The fieldwork was carried out during monthly excursions, for four consecutive days, over a year, when the behaviors of this species of lizard in association with the bromeliads were observed and recorded, such as period of activity, diet, foraging behavior, thermoregulatory behavior and detection and flight of predators. This part of this field study was observational; To analyze the diet, data were collected during part of the Master's research. For foraging behaviors, the activities of each individual were categorized into Proportion of Time Spent Moving (PTM), Number of Movements Per Minute (MPM), Number of Successful Attacks on Prey per Minute, and Time on Watch. The influence of seasonality on diet and foraging behaviors was also tested. Circular statistics were used to evaluate the relationship between lizard position and the angle of incidence of sun rays and hours. The period of activity was tested by the number of active individuals over hours and days, as well as the effects of seasonality and interspecific variations in the population. Escape behaviors were expressed by the Flight Intiation Distance (FID) index, and the predator potential simulation was performed by a human observer. Other predator models, such as snakes, ontogeny on FID values, as well as the effects of seasonality, substrate temperature, caudal autotomy and between the sexes were also tested. To evaluate the importance of E. spectabile for the semiarid biodiversity and its socioeconomic role, fieldwork was carried out over nine years, allied to extensive bibliographic research. Results: The diet was basically composed of small arthropods; little consumption of plant material and no vertebrate prey. Termites make up 23.63% of the diet, followed by arachnids (14.93%) and cockroaches (7.52%), without significant seasonal differences. There were also no differences in the diet of males and females. Mabuya agmosticha presented PTM 18.3 ± 2.8% and MPM  3.8 ± 0.38 seconds per minute and passed on average 81.7% without moving; He captured approximately 1.72 ± 1.4 per minute stuck and passed on average 22.2 ± 7.62% of waking time. Significant differences in movement were found between males and females, and females and juveniles. Mabuya agmosticha showed significantly positive relationships with both the sun's angle of incidence and the hours of the day. This species remained active throughout the day, although it showed a preference for the start and end times of the day. It had an average FID of 3.1 ± 0.7 meters. Females had a higher FID than males and juveniles. Significant effect of substrate temperature on total FID was found, but not in relation to sex. Conclusions: The dependence of Mabuya agmosticha on macambira bromeliads distinguishes it from other sympatric species of the genus, and its food ecology is directly related to the use of bromeliads. Their dependence on these rupicolous bromeliads is a major threat to their survival in the face of overexploitation and possible disappearance of these bromeliads; Social and environmental policies aimed at the conservation of both species are essential. Regarding the importance of macambira bromeliads for the semiarid biodiversity and socioeconomic interest, these showed significant relevance, because they host a great diversity of associated species and numerous ecological and social interactions. Consequently, we propose the rupicolous bromeliad E. spectabile as a keystonespecies for the semiarid region, and we suggest more effective environmental policies for the conservation of these plants, which contribute so much to this region of Brazil.

Presidente - 1121066 - ELIZA MARIA XAVIER FREIRE
Externo ao Programa - 1714892 - ADRIANO CALIMAN FERREIRA DA SILVA
Externo ao Programa - 073.420.314-45 - RAUL FERNANDES DANTAS DE SALES - UFRN
Externo à Instituição - DANIEL CUNHA PASSOS - UFERSA
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/09/2019 14:50
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