Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA: 04/04/2016
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala da Pós-Graduação em Psicobiologia

Back to The Wild: Individual Differences in Capuchin Monkeys’ Rehabilitation and Relocation.


Relocation, Rehabilitation, Personality, Capuchin, Enrichment, Survival, Post-release.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Psicologia
SUBÁREA: Psicologia Comparativa
ESPECIALIDADE: Estudos Naturalísticos do Comportamento Animal

Primate populations in the wild have been rapidly declining mainly due to habitat destruction and to wildlife traffic to supply the illegal pet trade and biomedical research demand. As a result, wildlife rescue centers (in Brazil, CETAS) face a huge problem to allocate confiscated wildlife, which became accumulated in large numbers at their facilities. In Brazil, capuchin monkeys are the second most common primate species found at CETAS. Relocation of confiscated primates if well planned is a three-goal tool: help to achieve conservation; solve the problem of destination of confiscated primates and offer welfare condition to displaced wildlife. However, relocation projects have reported a great range of survival rates, being as low as 17% to 98%, so understanding the factors that are related to this disparity in survival rates would help us to achieve high success in primate relocation programs. In this work, we investigate the hypothesis that individual differences in capuchin monkeys are related to post-release survival and dispersal and responsiveness to rehabilitation process. Our research was based on two studies of relocated capuchin monkeys conducted as routine procedures of Brazilian environmental agency (IBAMA). The first (Pioneer Study) accompany the relocation  of 69 capuchin monkeys in lagoon islands Caatinga biome and the second (Detailed Study) accompany the relocation of 9 animals in the Atlantic Forest biome. At Chapter 1, we review the factors described in the literature which would be directly related to relocation success,  especially at individual level. In Chapter 2, two types of non-lexical approach to personality were assessed by behavioral codes: uncontextualized (UD) and contextualized (CD) personality  dimensions. Three UD (i.e. Exploration, Activity and Vigilance) and eight CD (i.e. Boldness, (food) Neophilia, Exploratory, Food orientation, Sociability, Aggressiveness, Activity, Vigilance) were used to classify individuals by score in two categories and then used to investigate trait- group difference in survivorship and dispersal/ habitat use. Chapter 3 was based in the second study (DS) and we analyze behavioral changes during different types of enrichment (i.e. physical, social, acclimatization and post-release) at three levels: group, individual and trait level (based on contextualized dimensions). Our major findings are: food Neophilia (positively) and Activity (negatively) CD related to individual survival after release, that is, more neophilic and less active individuals survived longer. Sociability related to higher dispersal after release and better learning at social enrichment. Enrichment is capable to promote survival skills  training and reduce stress, although different types of enrichment promotes behavioral changes differently; more neophilic individuals responded more to physical enrichment. We suggest that locomotion in captivity relates to anxiousness rather than a positive normal behavior. In conclusion, our findings indicate that individuals indeed respond differently to enrichment and post-release. Moreover, the personality traits such as food Neophilia, Activity, Sociability and Exploration seemed to be related to those different responses.

Externo à Instituição - HANNAH BUCHANAN-SMITH - US
Presidente - 2696495 - RENATA GONCALVES FERREIRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 30/03/2016 15:00
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