Investigation of the electrophysiological mechanisms in memory formation for spatial pattern separation
hippocampus; brain oscillations; pattern separation; spatial memory.
The formation of new episodic memories includes detection of novelties contrasting with similarities found during the exploration of the environment, process called pattern separation. We investigate the electrophysiological mechanisms that enable spatial pattern separation. Therefore, we evaluate hippocampal theta oscillations during object recognition tests in conditions of low interference (LI) and high interference (HI), modified from Hunsaker and Kesner (2008). We built and bilaterally implanted 16 tungsten microelectrodes for the acquisition and record of hippocampal CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus local field potentials (LFP) from male adults Wistar rats. Our results will elucidate how the hippocampal oscillatory mechanisms contribute to mnemonic processing of spatial pattern separation.