Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 17/09/2024
TIME: 09:30
LOCAL: online
Digital tools in English language classes: experience in elementary school 2


 Keywords: Digital tools, English language. Active Methodologies.

PAGES: 194
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Ensino-Aprendizagem
SPECIALTY: Tecnologia Educacional



This research addressed the following theme: Digital tools in English language classes: na experience based on active methodologies in an eighth-grade class of elementary school 2. The problem in question was the lack of interest and engagement of students during English classes. leading us to propose the use of digital tools in an attempt to involve students in the learning process. Therefore, we ask ourselves: What are the impacts of using digital tools, based on active methodologies in teaching and learning English in 8th grade classes in EF2? In turn, the general objective of the research was: to understand the implications of using digital tools, mediated by active methodologies, in teaching and learning English in an 8th grade class and as specific objectives we had: Investigate the impact of using the digital tools Whatsapp, Padlet, Wordwall, Kahoot and Canva, mediated by active methodologies, in the participation and engagement of students in English classes; analyze whether digital tools, associated with current themes and mediated by active methodologies, can contribute to English language learning through collaborative work and evaluate whether the intervention proposal produced significant changes, beyond learning English. And among the active methodologies we chose PBL, collaborative learning, flipped classroom and mobile learning. To develop the research, we worked with authors such as Zabala (1998), Moran (2000; 2013;2015; 2018), Almeida and Valente (2011; 2012), Bender (2015) Bergmann and Sams (2018), Freire (2015), Vygotsky ( 1991), Dillenbourg (1999), among others. In turn, the method used was action research. And based on the analysis of data from the pilot carried out in 2022 with eighth grade classes, we chose to develop our work in just one class from that grade. After collecting and analyzing the data, we found that the majority of students improved their learning and vocabulary in IL regarding the project theme: Global warming and Natural Disasters. Furthermore, the students enjoyed working collaboratively, in addition to the possibility of developing autonomy and gaining autonomy. The final product, a website entitled English is fun!, was created during the pandemic and improved with the publications of the final works, involving the themes chosen by each group using one of the TDIC presented to the students, as well as links to activities and games for the classes sixth and seventh years of EF2 and EJA students 



Presidente - ***.064.828-** - SELMA ALAS MARTINS - UFRN
Interno - 2916579 - LUCELIO DANTAS DE AQUINO
Externa ao Programa - 1666189 - JANAINA WEISSHEIMER - UFRNExterno à Instituição - RAFAEL VETROMILLE-CASTRO - UFPel
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/08/2024 18:28
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