The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, through its internationalization policy, regulated by a CONSEPE decision, through Resolution Nr. 189/2017 of November 20, 2017, seeks to consolidate and expand internationalization based on its strategic areas, with a view to achieving academic and scientific excellence, contributing to the education/training of qualified human resources and production of scientific and technological knowledge, observing the principles of sustainable development, in order to become a national and international reference in the strategic themes defined in its PDI (Institutional Development Plan) and in the Internationalization Plan.
The PrInt Program is valid for 4 (four) years, beginning in November, 2018.
Linked to some of the PrInt’s themes, 5 (five) Research Projects in International Cooperation were structured (according to the attached documents).
The Vice-Presidency of Graduate Studies (PPG) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, within the Institutional Internationalization Program, under the terms of the Institutional Project approved in the context of Call for Proposals No. 41/2017 - CAPES, provides 6 different types of scholarships, namely: